Monday, December 16, 2013

Welcome Winter

Once upon a time in a small country called Denmark just after the Berlin Wall fell a little girl was born. It was a blissful snowy weather and Christmas had just passed. Sounds like the beginning of a fairytale. It sort of is. My fairytale. My story. My beginning. I was born in December 1989 on a day where the snow was slowly falling from the sky. I've always loved winter, snow, Christmas, staying in front of the fire drinking tea or hot chocolate, baking Christmas cookies and eating too much delicious food.

Winter means Christmas or Yule as some call this cheerful time of year. The Danish word for Christmas equals Yule (jul) and has never evolved into a Christian term like the English term has. I enjoy all aspects of Christmas, both the Pagan and Christian traditions. This mixed with a bunch of family traditions is what makes Christmas what it is. No matter what term you use for it it’s still the happiest time of year.

Traditions mean a lot to me. I like to watch the same things, use the same Christmas cookie recipes I’ve known since I was a child and eat the same dish at the 24th of December as we’ve always done in my family. In Denmark we get our gifts on the 24th. One of my favourite traditions is the dance around the tree and hand out of the presents one by one and so we can watch what everyone is getting. As much as I love receiving gifts I enjoy giving even more. If there are any children in the family Santa Claus will knock on the door and hand out the presents, but if he’s really busy he’ll just knock and leave the sack and fly on with his reindeers.

In this country winter equals snow. I cannot remember a single winter without at least a few snowfalls. Till this day I love snow, I love making snow angels, building snowmen and I never say no to a good snowball fight. Cuddling up in blankets with a mug of tea in front of the fire afterwards isn’t that bad either.

Living on a small island that functions as a tourist attraction is for some too quiet during winter but I enjoy the tranquillity and peace. It’s time to restore the energy for the warmer seasons, like nature does. It means having time for myself, being less stressed, being more indoors, spending more time in the kitching making the dishes I’ve been wanting all year but couldn’t find the time for.

So what’s not to like about this season? It might be cold but you get to wear cute jumpers and layer your clothes. Besides if you put on some weight it’s easier to hide it in an oversized sweater than in a bikini.

What do you enjoy doing most at winter time?  

 Cecillie Marie

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