Monday, December 16, 2013

Enslaved by Cats

I have often said: some people have children and others have cats. I don’t mean that I never want to have kids, but I do treat my small fur-babies very well, they are my everything and I must admit that I have entire conversations with them on occasion. Does this make me a crazy cat lady? Of course. Do I mind? Not the slightest and I will tell you why. 

Cats are great company. When I get home from work I have three cats welcoming me at the door, they follow me around until I sit down for a cuddle. They lick my hands and nod their heads into mine as a kind gesture.You can even get them to come when called. If they want to that is. If I sit quiet studying I’m sure to have a cat (or two) on my lap or sometimes on my laptop. But if I let’s say am watching a film with my significant other and I call their names they all look at me like I’m an imbecile. Thank you kitties!

The only exception is Aslan, a 6-year-old fluffy ragdoll, the most stupid and kindest creature on earth. I once read an article about Ragdolls stating the race is highly intelligent. I guess you shouldn’t believe in everything you read. On the other hand ragdolls are kind, loving and loyal. Aslan follows me around as he was a puppy. He’s mamma’s boy which can be of great annoyance to my fiancĂ© at times. As soon as I leave the house Aslan will be by the door singing the song of his people. Inconsolable, absolutely inconsolable. But who can be mad at such a cute fur ball with those pretty ice blue eyes?

Cats are fun to watch. When I was younger and lived at my mother’s our dog McQueen, a huge German Shepherd, would try to play catch with Aslan. McQueen would simply place his ball beside Aslan in the windowsill, wag his tail, wait impatiently and in the end bark at Aslan to let him know that he should throw the ball. He never did, of course.

Now that we have two girls both a few months over one year of age, it’s great fun to watch them play. They fight and in the end they often fall asleep next to each other.

Alma is our last addition to our small family. She is the most adorable and beautiful cat but she's has such a wary soul but it only adds to her beauty. She’s always up for a cuddle and has yet to use her claws on us. She’s such a kind creature.We got her from a lovely couple who breeds Norwegian Forest Cats. They live in Mid Jutland but were so kind to carry her to Copenhagen where I was waiting at the airport to pick her up. What a service! You can check out them out here

Mynte is our two-faced wonder. We got her from the countryside and she’s a really naughty kitty. She was used to fight for her food so to begin with she protected her own dish and stole the other cat’s food. We had a beautiful black cat at the time and he taught her a few things about mine and yours and she soon discovered that you don’t have to fight for your dinner in this home. Mynte means mint but let’s just say she doesn’t smell minty. It’s her secret weapon. She’s still mischievous and will not do as told unless you get really close to her. She loves to cuddle both with us and her two “siblings”, on her own demand only. That’s the thing with cats they are clever enough to only do things they want to. I think cats resemble humans in that way.

I’ve heard people say they do not understand why people enjoy cats because cats don’t even like humans. I feel sorry for these people. Not because it’s wrong to dislike something, but imagine never had met a cat that likes humans! In my experience most cats enjoy human company, I’ve med the odd stray or stable cat you can't get near but other than that I’ve never met a cat that disliked humans. 

Being gifted with such wonderful company as three amusing, beautiful and cute cats with entirely different personalities is bliss. I cannot imagine life without cats; they’ve enslaved my heart forever.

Cecillie Marie 

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